I am lighting up the new year!

For the last several years, I thought I was a coach and nothing else. I worked in the corporate world before starting my own business, and I was dead set on doing my own thing.  So many factors contributed to this decision and I am incredibly thankful for the determination and drive I’ve had to start, run and grow my own company these past 6+ years. 

There is a methodology used in the Counselling world called ‘parts work’ which is meant to help us connect with the different parts of ourselves. I like to think of it as the different characters in our life story that show up as we move about in this world. I use this often in my coaching practice with clients to help individuals get in touch with who is speaking, whose need isn’t being met and who is asking for something. It’s really powerful work. 

I mapped my characters many years ago and one of the characters is responsible for community. This part of me was missing being a part of one and making a meaningful difference in collaboration with others. This part of me loves working with and around other people and has never loved the solo part of the entrepreneurial journey. This part of me has been more active recently and so I leaned in a little closer to listen to her. 

I asked: “What do you need?”

In that, I discovered an opportunity to explore new possibilities for my work to feed more of my characters.

So the exciting news! In the fall, I took a contract role with an organization supporting the talent development strategies and learning programs. I have a team again and the community oriented part of me is rejoicing! And it is not just her that love this new role, but many parts of me, including the parts of me that light up when I support coaching clients. 

So, do not fear, I am not going anywhere as a coach! In fact, I think I will be an even better coach as I nourish more parts of me. I am still going to provide 1-1 coaching today and for many years to come. 

What threads remain the same amongst this new work and my coaching work are that: 

I love watching people grow. 

I am curious about learning.

I love supporting people development. 

I am a learner.

What changes exist with my coaching practice: 

My hours are more limited. 

The amount of clients I work with each month will decrease. 

But that is just about it! 


I have been supporting growth in individuals through coaching and now I am also doing it through formal learning programs. Most importantly though more parts of me are feeling full.

For now.

If I have learned anything about my parts it is that at different times and stages certain ones are more vocal than others. So for now, I can say parts that were quiet are now vocal and very happy whereas other parts are taking a backseat.

What lights you up?


Learn to love your emotions