Why I Support Women

It is not that I do not support men. I coach many men, entrepreneurs, business leaders, amongst others. And I love it. I love witnessing men tap into their emotions and their stories. I am honoured to be able to hold space for them to feel safe to explore. Because men often do not have the opportunity to “go there” like women do and often do not have the support networks that women do or that they create. So, I do. I fully support them, I work with them, I love what they bring to the table and I will continue to support them for as long as I am a coach.

But the hard truth is that women have not been given the rights that men have, men have been the ones with the power to make choices and pass laws and this has created an unequal divide in our society that persists today. We are still breaking down many of the systemic issues that are a result of the male only voice in the courts, in the boardrooms, at the executive tables.

Recently I was watching a show and a female lead said “it is a man’s world, even our cars are designed for and by men.” I could not and did not want to believe it. Then I did some research and sure enough everything I found on the internet says that cars have been designed based on the average male. Everything from the standard seating position being off for women, to the car design increasing the risks for women in crashes, to the car crash-test dummies being fitted for the average male. As a result, when a woman is in a car crash, “she is 47% more likely to be seriously injured, and 71% more likely to be moderately injured….and also 17% more likely to die.” This all has to do with how cars are designed and for whom, the male population.

Let me be clear, I am not diminishing the incredibly talented men out there who deserve a seat at the table. I want that. I also want to see the incredibly talented women have a seat at the table. I want to see power being distributed equally, to see women’s rights the same as men, to hear our voices just as loud. This in service of having laws that don’t favour anyone, rights that support everyone and cars designed for every body.

And the hard truth is that women have unique caretaking responsibilities that only we can take on. We carry children, and we are fundamental in their early-stage attachment, nourishment and development. But this does not need to be a hindrance to women’s ability to stick with our passions, our dreams and our visions along the journey. Plus, the experiences and abilities gained from taking an unpaid parenting job can be translated to the workforce, to a business venture, and to take a seat at the table.

So, why do I work with women? I want to be a part of making society a women’s world, just as much as a man’s world. Even if I can be 0.00001% of making a difference to support equality in my lifetime, I will die a happy woman. I want to see men have emotional spaces to explore just as much as I want to see women-run businesses thrive. I support women because it supports not just them but the communities, partners and children they work and live with.






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